this interview, Jerry and Ronnie McMullen
discuss Ronnie's views on the U.S. Government, “Mega Ministries,” and the New
World Order. The government covers up every time there is a UFO sighting. Is
this the precursor to a much larger event? Has our government sold its soul, as
it were, for technology? Ronnie McMullen is a radio man and an ordained pastor,
who doesn’t follow the path of organized religion, though he believes in a
literal fiery hell. He also believes that the ETs are really fallen angels
(demons) and that their intentions are not to benefit us or God. He feels chosen
by God to warn us.
Ronnie talks at length about Philip Schneider and the Dulce
Wars with the ETs. Was this purported event in an underground base in
New Mexico a precursor of more dire events to come. Ronnie believes there is a
spiritual war coming on as the aliens begin to manifest even more than they
already have and that the ultimate showdown is going to be in Jerusalem. Listen
to this fascinating interview and discover who the combatants will be in this
war and what we can do to save ourselves.
Ronnie will be selling copies of his book in the vendors area at the 16th Annual UFO Congress in Laughlin, Nevada, February 26
through March 3, 2007.
MP3 Version
64kb MP3 broadband version
Post-Production by Jane Swartley
WMA Version Part 1
32kb WMA dialup or broadband version
Post-Production by Jane Swartley
WMA Version Part 2
32kb WMA dialup or broadband version
Post-Production by Jane Swartley