Dr. John Jay Harper passed away on December 15, 2010.
We interviewed him several years ago and present this
tribute to his work dedicated to the idea that there is much
more to UFOs than just ETs from another planet.
Interviews with Jerry Pippin
News from John
John's web site: www.johnjayharper.com. He is the author of Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century, Reality Press, Book Order Desk 24/7 is TOLL FREE in CANADA & USA: 1-866-585-1355.
Dr. Harper is the author of Tranceformers: Shamans of the 21st Century,
available at Barnes and Noble (click on order llink below), and the companion Audio CD, Vantage
Quest VI, available ONLY at the website: www.vantagequest.org.
John's book documents how the shamanic state-of-mind is the gateway to
"close encounters of the spiritual kind," likewise provides
cutting-edge breakthrough insights as to how the cosmos works through the
physics of resonance, and also reports on how to invoke spontaneous healing
of illness. The CD, Vantage Quest VI, is both laboratory-designed and
psychologically verified to help entrain your brain to this "fifth
dimensional state of cosmic consciousness."