2/5/03, Jerry interviewed Jim Marrs, independent journalist and
best-selling author at the International UFO Congress Convention in Laughlin,
NV. Jim's presentation at Laughlin centered primarily on the role of secrecy
in our society, not only with regards to UFOs, but with regards to the general
political scene and the state of society in our country and the world. His
last book, Rule by Secrecy and his upcoming book on the events surrounding
9/11 and the War on Terrorism that has followed, The War on Freedom were the
basis of his presentation to an audience that daily faces cover-ups,
conspiracies and denials by our government that relate to UFOs. Perhaps its
all about the same thing. Although Jim mentions and interesting UFO incident
that occurred in northern Texas in 1897 as smoking gun proof of the existence
of UFOs before the age of powered flight began in 1903 at the end of the
interview, this is an interview that rightfully belongs here on our political
and public issues page. If you are interested in reading Jim's commentaries or
ordering any of his books or documentaries, go to
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time: 33 minutes, 02 seconds -
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