For more information about Russell Targ and his work please visit: www.espresearch.com
Remote Viewing studies began in the early 1970’s at Stanford Research Institute ( SRI ). The program was supported by United States Government and major intelligence agencies such as the CIA and the DIA. The goal of the program was to explore international, real world targets using the psychic abilities and out-of-body experiences of remote viewers. During the Cold War, Remote Viewing was accepted as a psychic weapon: a bridge between the human soul, mind, science and intelligence defense systems.
Although the Remote Viewing program is no longer classified, individual remote viewers have reportedly used their abilities to contact Extra Terrestrial species. Ingo Swann and Israeli psychic Uri Geller were very well known Remote Viewers. Ingo Swann also had remarkable remote viewings of Moon and Jupiter.
Remote Viewing Target and Subject Drawing Examples: