Program 312 - FBI Memo Surfaces, on new revamped web site about UFO crashes in New Mexico. Turns out to be an old memo released in 1977 originally and there is much discussion about the nature of the memo and if it's talking about the Aztec Crash, a UFO Scam to raise money or the Roswell Incident. Jerry examines all of the facts and the comments from various UFO researchers, then he presents remote viewer Lyn Buchanan who has had 18 different remote viewers from around the world target the Aztec UFO Crash- they say it happened and ETs were shot and killed by the US Military. Then in honor of the upcoming Roswell UFO festival, Jerry presents an interview he recorded in Roswell featuring Fate Magazine's Phyllis Galde, Marty Martin who knows just about everything there is to know about Roswell as well as a discussion on Ancient Mysteries, then Tom Carey well-known Roswell UFO researcher with stories from witnesses to Roswell. |
Program 301 -
Jerry takes a look at
top stories of 2010 and features two programs that he thought were
pretty well tied for the top story. First he presents Independent journalist Paola Harris along with two eye-witnesses to a UFO Crash one year and 11 months before Roswell. It happened near the White Sands Missile Range at a little town named San Antonio in New Mexico. The witnesses saw the creatures and even were able to get a piece of the UFO before the Army took away the craft around Midnight on a weekend in August, 1945. Then Jerry presents the story of a Col. X who has come forward to tell investigative author Anthony Sanchez about Grays living beneath the surface at Dulce, NM near Los Alamos. An incredible story of revelations that these creatures have been on the Earth for a long time since very ancient times and were discovered to exist by the US Army in 1940. |